Mobility, security & maintenance

    Bills included

    • Room WiFi
    • Water
    • Heating
    • Electricity


    • Laundry

    General Description


    • £139 per week for 2024-25
      39-week rental period


    • 107 standard rooms


    • Private and secure room
    • You will share with up to 28 people on your floor.
    • Wash basin in room
    • Rooms arranged over four corridors
    • Shared bathroom on each floor
    • Self-catered
    • Communal kitchens
    • Internet access available in rooms via wi-fi and dataport/cable connection.
    • No smoking

    This accommodation is for first year undergraduates and continuing undergraduates.


    Local area

    Bede House is located on the main campus in Digby Stuart College

    Room options available

    University of Roehampton

    University of Roehampton

    Freshers guaranteed
    Single room

    Bede House single room

    Price from
    £139 p/w

    • Private bedroom
    • Shared bathroom
    • Wifi
    • Desk

    Terms and conditions