Woman reading on bed

How to find the right student accommodation for you

This is it. Life is good. You’re going to uni. Is it going to be the party paradise of on-campus halls, or a flat-share right in the middle of town? Maybe the cost of rent will decide, what supports on hand, or whether there’s a bus stop nearby. There’s lots to consider, so let’s break it down and make the decision easier.

Why you need to check out accommodation when making your choices

Going to university can be a really exciting time. When you make the move, living somewhere new can be one of the best things about your uni experience – so choosing the right kind of place will set you up nicely.

How to make your new home feel like home

If you’re thinking about how to decorate your uni room or what you might want to get to make your house a home, here are some tips.

How can parents support students researching accommodation?

If you’re supporting a student who’s currently thinking about which universities to apply to, there’s also the question of where they’ll live during their course.

Preparing for the big move

There’s often a lot of anticipation building ahead of a student moving to university – probably for parents just as much as their children. Here’s a checklist to help you make sure they’re all set for moving in day.
Wiping down handle

Five questions to ask in a COVID world

When looking for student digs, it’s important you make sure you have everything covered — including how to keep yourself safe, and what the accommodation provider has in place to help you. Here are five questions you should ask when researching your accommodation options in a COVID world.

Not booked accommodation yet?

If you haven’t found somewhere to live yet and are looking for student accommodation advice, a good starting point is to find out what your options are. Here are the top five things you need to do…

Your uni shopping list – 10 things you won't want to leave behind

People forget all sorts when they start university, from laptop chargers to bedding, food – even clothes. So it’s a good idea to make a list of what you’ll need to get before you head to uni.

Keeping fit in uni accommodation

You might have an established fitness routine that you’d like to continue at uni, or you might be wondering how to get more active alongside your studies. Here are some ideas to help.

Parent help: The top 5 priorities when you’re researching accommodation

There’s are lots of questions you’ll want answered when it comes to researching accommodation – here are 5 of the most important to consider.